I don't think I can go without sharing this testimony, in which God made a major breakthrough for my family in the midst of struggles, several years ago.

My dad was at church early one Sabbath morning. As he was the Pastor, he was always the first to arrive. It happened quite unexpectedly. Suddenly he was held up at gunpoint, locked up in a room, and his vehicle was stolen.

You can imagine how scared we were to hear such awful news, and how relieved we were that He was okay. Thank God once again.

But the event sort of affected the church, in that several persons began to wonder if God would let these criminals get away, or why. But for the most part, the brethren did believe God would come through, and that He was in complete control, though the could not understand why. The vehicle was integral to the running of the church. I was so young and in love with God then, I don't think I let the question "why?" linger too long in my head. My mind rested more or less in the realm of gratitude. But the difficulties we were already facing were magnified in the weeks to come, especially for my dad. There were so little resources, so much to do, so many places to go and no way to get there, because, as was mentioned before...there was very little go around. We were a small, struggling church.

But, small and struggling though we were, one thing is for certain - God was with us. "Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivereth him from them all" (Psalm 34:19). We took comfort in those words. One sabbath though, during service, Pastor prayed a riveting prayer, asking God to show up, to defend Him. And then, He spoke. He will deliver. The vehicle will be returned.

And sure enough, it happened. Six months after the incident, the vehicle was found, with the grass grown way above the vehicle. Nothing was missing, but his bible and his church bag. If anything else was taken, it was insignificant. His tool kit was still there. Spare tyre still there. Completely intact, and waiting for pickup. According to the mighty word of the Lord.

There's coming a time, when the word of God will be very scarce. Why wait till then to want to hear what He has to say to you? He speaks to us in so many ways... the bible, the preacher, the conscience or gut feeling...even regular, everyday people can be used to speak a word to us. But it takes skill to hear, through the working of the Holy Spirit, and time spent with Him. Tomorrow is promised to no man. But His words? Sure to the end.

"Thou art near, O LORD; and all thy commandments are truth." (Psalm 119:151)

Amen and Amen.