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Miracle Shoes

You know, its a joy talking about how God works in my life. God has done so much for me, I can't count them, seriously. But many times, If I'm asked to testify, I may, you know, just skirt around the very general, thanking God for life and His daily provision, or I hit the major ones, the ones that just scream "GOD YOU'RE AMAZING!!" 

But why don't I talk about the unique everyday ones more often?? Well...simply because they're generally very personal, or they show up my vulnerabilities. But, I've decided to talk about these things, to encourage someone out let them know that God cares about your every need.

Ahm... did I say every?!

Well....When you read this, maybe you'll see what I mean.

Miracle Shoes.

A special event was coming up for me, and I had no shoes to wear. I tell you, its difficult being in a vulnerable situation because, you aren't always able to create 'your own destiny' as the world 'pushes', or do your own thing. You must depend on someone else to provide, or some way to be made. But its a blessing to depend on God. I depend on God, and God knows I depend on Him.

I don't even think I prayed about the situation. Did I? I don't even remember. The shoes I used to wear had no heel (or heel tip), plus I disliked them because as nice as they looked, they hurt my feet. So I didn't push to fix them. And when I tell you I had no money to purchase a new one, I mean I just couldn't afford it.

Well, the week of the function was just around the corner, about three days away. And without beating around the bush, a friend, completely unaware of the function fast approaching and of the fact that I had no shoes, handed me a lovely pair. Just like that. No fanfare, and for anyone not looking closely or really analyzing the matter, one could easily miss the fact that he or she just experienced the glory of God!

That's my God for you. Isn't that just like Him?

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